27 Ιουλίου 2024

Turkey’s accusations about migration are ‘preposterous,’ says Greek PM


Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that he would have a chance respond to the statements made Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, at the United Nations when he also addresses the UN General Assembly on Friday.

Speaking in an interview with Bloomberg on Wednesday, he underlined, however, that “accusing Greece of crimes against humanity on the question of migration is simply preposterous,” adding that it is Turkey that has been “weaponixing migrants, very openly and very publicly” for the last two years, pushing them toward the borders of Greece and Europe.

Mitsotakis explained that Greece has rescued tens of thousands of people who were at risk at sea, defending its borders as it has an obligation to do but also respecting fundamental human rights.

Regarding the country”s fiscal position, the prime minister stated that Greece was now in a much better position than it was, that the government had delivered on its promises and reduced taxes without jeopardising fiscal sustainability. 

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